Releasing Unwanted Weight - Part 1
This week's "Lifestyle Tip of the Week" comes form Imara's Clinical Nutritionist and Registered Dietician Madelaine Terrier-Schnoor. Our focus for the week - Releasing Unwanted Holiday Weight.
Chances are, when you sat down for your meals during the Easter Holidays you ate too much and perhaps even binged ate as well during the entire long weekend. Although, eating in moderation is the best habit to form on a daily basis, especially while enjoying the holidays, here are a few foods that are best to eat after holiday binges:
1) Lots of water,
2) Lean protein,
3) Dark leafy greens,
4) Yogurt
5) Ground provisions.
Today we start with #1 - The benefit of more water:
After you've over consumed your calorie allowance for the day (and we all know when we have over eaten), your body is going to crave adequate hydration to aid in digestion and to flush the inevitable high level of sodium from your meal. Start your recovery and weight loss regime with a glass of water and aim for 8, 8-ounce glasses or 2-liters daily.
For more tips, stay tuned to this page. Tomorrow's tip will be on the benefits of eating more lean protein. All tips will be found under hashtag #ImaraLifestyleTip.